Frank Slemming Byggerådgivning ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
Credit rating
Company information
About Frank Slemming Byggerådgivning ApS
Frank Slemming Byggerådgivning ApS (CVR number: 37893463) is a company from GRIBSKOV. The company recorded a gross profit of 1556.4 kDKK in 2022. The operating profit was 90.3 kDKK, while net earnings were 67.2 kDKK. The profitability of the company measured by Return on Assets (ROA) was 6.2 %, which can be considered decent and Return on Equity (ROE) was 6 %, which can be considered decent. The equity ratio, a key indicator for solidity, stood at 78.9 %, a level that can be considered to be good. This shows that a large part of the company's assets are funded by shareholders' equity, reducing financial risk. Frank Slemming Byggerådgivning ApS's liquidity measured by quick ratio was 5.9 which is at a very high level. Thus, the company demonstrates exceptional financial stability, possessing a significant surplus of liquid assets over its short-term liabilities.
Financial information
See financialsGross profit (kDKK)
Key figures (kDKK)
See financials2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Volume | |||||
Net sales | |||||
Gross profit | 1 728.56 | 1 901.46 | 2 028.46 | 2 300.06 | 1 556.41 |
EBIT | 107.24 | 494.38 | 489.83 | 539.86 | 90.29 |
Net earnings | 79.47 | 381.46 | 393.83 | 415.22 | 67.21 |
Shareholders equity total | 276.65 | 550.11 | 833.35 | 1 135.56 | 1 088.38 |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 466.44 | 1 001.91 | 1 201.28 | 1 646.63 | 1 378.58 |
Net debt | - 191.83 | - 519.69 | - 912.85 | - 782.77 | - 700.93 |
Profitability | |||||
EBIT-% | |||||
ROA | 20.0 % | 67.3 % | 46.6 % | 38.9 % | 6.2 % |
ROE | 27.4 % | 92.3 % | 56.9 % | 42.2 % | 6.0 % |
ROI | 37.0 % | 119.6 % | 74.2 % | 51.6 % | 7.4 % |
Economic value added (EVA) | 69.20 | 379.61 | 379.43 | 422.22 | 54.20 |
Solvency | |||||
Equity ratio | 59.3 % | 54.9 % | 69.4 % | 69.0 % | 78.9 % |
Gearing | 15.4 % | 11.6 % | |||
Relative net indebtedness % | |||||
Liquidity | |||||
Quick ratio | 1.9 | 2.0 | 3.2 | 3.8 | 5.9 |
Current ratio | 1.9 | 2.0 | 3.2 | 3.8 | 5.9 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 191.83 | 519.69 | 912.85 | 957.39 | 827.51 |
Capital use efficiency | |||||
Trade debtors turnover (days) | |||||
Net working capital % | |||||
Credit risk | |||||
Credit rating | BBB | BBB | A | A | BBB |
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