REVIDAN RENGØRING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28106742
Vejlevej 119, 7000 Fredericia
tel: 70232160

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 569.942 101.101 749.551 687.222 424.24
Employee benefit expenses-1 280.56- 911.02- 920.68- 873.88- 948.79
Total depreciation- 113.63- 116.64- 168.03- 140.03- 134.59
EBIT175.751 073.44660.83673.311 340.86
Other financial income26.2010.595.521.525.62
Other financial expenses-10.95-15.62-8.80-4.45-1.16
Pre-tax profit191.001 068.41657.55670.381 345.33
Income taxes-47.71- 235.70- 146.80- 149.77- 297.65
Net earnings143.29832.72510.75520.621 047.68

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment294.84651.19483.16671.19536.60
Tangible assets total294.84651.19483.16671.19536.60
Other receivables14.2114.2114.2114.2114.21
Investments total14.2114.2114.2114.2114.21
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors613.03669.61420.19291.81929.39
Current amounts owed by group member comp.433.56187.1661.46407.25
Prepayments and accrued income78.6444.6042.4836.6539.10
Current other receivables6.81203.0010.7612.725.77
Short term receivables total1 132.041 104.37534.89748.43974.26
Cash and bank deposits1 045.56989.15799.781 031.121 669.34
Cash and cash equivalents1 045.56989.15799.781 031.121 669.34
Balance sheet total (assets)2 486.642 758.921 832.042 464.953 194.41

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased1 000.001 000.00500.001 000.00
Retained earnings590.99- 265.72566.99577.7598.36
Profit of the financial year143.29832.72510.75520.621 047.68
Shareholders equity total1 859.281 691.991 202.751 723.372 271.04
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors127.15219.0975.0182.2650.84
Current owed to participating35.9113.0713.0717.2720.33
Current owed to group member28.63
Short-term deferred tax liabilities56.91231.20156.00140.87297.75
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities371.68563.38354.22461.29486.02
Current liabilities total591.671 026.73598.30701.69883.57
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 486.642 758.921 832.042 464.953 194.41
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