STRATOS INVEST A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33830513
Sct Knudsgade 1, 4100 Ringsted
tel: 70219451

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit
Costs of management-3 776.29-4 009.09-3 206.39-3 318.19-3 552.67
EBIT-3 776.29-4 009.09-3 206.39-3 318.19-3 552.67
Other financial income75 519.766 481.112 463.9332 963.1036 062.64
Other financial expenses-6 449.31-1 313.40-40 425.68-1 185.27- 979.30
Net income from associates (fin.)677.624 949.404 602.851 217.2283.29
Pre-tax profit65 971.786 108.02-36 565.3029 676.8631 613.96
Income taxes-14 327.42- 243.869 069.49-6 280.49-7 617.87
Net earnings51 644.365 864.16-27 495.8123 396.3723 996.08

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment5.23
Tangible assets total5.23
Holdings in group member companies46 157.5452 606.9449 709.7954 927.0162 610.30
Investments total46 157.5452 606.9449 709.7954 927.0162 610.30
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors19.50
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 490.972 516.82
Prepayments and accrued income1.02
Current other receivables147.48130.06139.12106.7378.75
Current deferred tax assets673.2510 286.692 776.30
Short term receivables total4 638.45804.3312 962.132 883.0378.75
Other current investments194 213.52239 267.74197 909.08210 790.73221 073.28
Cash and bank deposits76 042.93949.60463.98613.6247.25
Cash and cash equivalents270 256.45240 217.34198 373.06211 404.36221 120.53
Balance sheet total (assets)321 057.67293 628.61261 044.99269 214.40283 809.58

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital25 000.0025 000.0025 000.0025 000.0025 000.00
Shares repurchased10 000.005 000.005 000.0010 250.0015 000.00
Other reserves- 250.00
Retained earnings186 951.63233 595.99231 960.15194 214.35202 610.72
Profit of the financial year51 644.365 864.16-27 495.8123 396.3723 996.08
Shareholders equity total273 595.99269 460.15234 464.35252 610.72266 606.80
Non-current other liabilities64.38
Non-current liabilities total64.38
Current loans from credit institutions38.684 613.294 681.494 599.12
Current trade creditors163.0651.7999.8573.5039.12
Current owed to participating2 399.6827.914.39
Current owed to group member27 297.0422 604.8818 926.379 724.158 646.88
Short-term deferred tax liabilities13 839.431 282.073 263.92
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 092.671 469.31541.45814.56645.25
Current liabilities total47 392.1924 164.6626 580.6416 603.6817 198.68
Balance sheet total (liabilities)321 057.67293 628.61261 044.99269 214.40283 809.58
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