SH 365 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40640088
Iranvej 20, 2300 København S
tel: 23394328

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit443.902 843.304 789.2110 331.375 609.39
Employee benefit expenses-1 038.48-2 429.92-5 441.57
Other operating expenses-45.01- 578.17- 185.25- 508.36- 275.19
Total depreciation-89.47-36.26-12.54
EBIT398.892 265.133 476.027 356.83430.47
Other financial income2.191.37
Other financial expenses-0.82-9.14-10.83-26.821.38
Pre-tax profit398.062 256.003 465.197 332.19433.22
Income taxes-87.56- 497.73- 762.34-1 623.16- 182.75
Net earnings310.501 758.272 702.855 709.03250.46

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights916.50445.80720.99
Intangible assets total916.50445.80720.99
Machinery and equipment16.8012.608.40
Tangible assets total16.8012.608.40
Other receivables97.50197.50
Investments total97.50197.50
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.86.93119.23
Current owed by particip. interest comp.131.9550.70
Prepayments and accrued income8.88
Current other receivables46.4136.70
Current deferred tax assets144.54
Short term receivables total418.70206.63
Cash and bank deposits536.381 886.742 816.667 416.26888.31
Cash and cash equivalents536.381 886.742 816.667 416.26888.31
Balance sheet total (assets)536.381 903.543 843.278 486.661 815.93

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.0040.0040.00
Shares repurchased300.001 200.002 500.004 700.00
Retained earnings- 300.00-1 689.50-2 431.22-4 428.381 280.66
Profit of the financial year310.501 758.272 702.855 709.03250.46
Shareholders equity total350.501 308.782 811.636 020.661 571.12
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors25.0025.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities87.56498.63735.211 767.7038.21
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities98.3196.14296.43673.30181.60
Current liabilities total185.87594.761 031.642 466.00244.81
Balance sheet total (liabilities)536.381 903.543 843.278 486.661 815.93
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