Bolo ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37291145
Koldkilde 69, Elev 8520 Lystrup

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit5 303.0019 146.003 181.003 403.001 222.87
Employee benefit expenses-2 683.00-1 057.00-1 092.00-1 120.00-1 173.63
Total depreciation-87.00-18.00-3.00-3.00-1.62
EBIT2 533.0018 071.002 086.002 280.0047.62
Other financial income87.00789.00286.00183.00183.15
Other financial expenses-4.00-10.00-41.00-6.00-5.83
Pre-tax profit2 616.0018 850.002 331.002 457.00224.93
Income taxes- 575.00-4 147.00- 519.00- 541.00-49.48
Net earnings2 041.0014 703.001 812.001 916.00175.46

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights15.00
Intangible assets total15.00
Machinery and equipment276.
Tangible assets total276.
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors589.00115.00247.00126.71
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 227.0019 340.002 540.004 285.003 999.94
Current other receivables89.0025.0040.0016.00
Short term receivables total2 905.0019 365.002 695.004 548.004 126.66
Cash and bank deposits23.0050.0088.00205.00249.27
Cash and cash equivalents23.0050.0088.00205.00249.27
Balance sheet total (assets)3 219.0019 422.002 787.004 755.004 375.92

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased2 041.0014 703.00
Retained earnings-1 719.00-14 381.00322.002 134.004 049.71
Profit of the financial year2 041.0014 703.001 812.001 916.00175.46
Shareholders equity total2 413.0015 075.002 184.004 100.004 275.17
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors30.0026.0019.0022.0019.20
Current owed to participating1.
Short-term deferred tax liabilities669.004 226.00520.00567.0049.83
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities92.0066.0035.0062.0029.34
Current liabilities total792.004 321.00577.00655.00100.76
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 219.0019 422.002 787.004 755.004 375.92
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