KAREN RASMUSSENS RENGØRING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26633281
Havnegade 100, 5000 Odense C
tel: 66193094

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit8 150.948 509.679 096.929 511.979 617.53
Employee benefit expenses-6 275.01-6 677.37-7 647.60-8 977.43-8 473.11
Other operating expenses-30.79
Total depreciation-5.21-29.84-41.95-41.95-10.63
EBIT1 870.721 802.461 407.37492.591 103.00
Other financial income119.54126.23113.0273.7155.44
Other financial expenses-0.19-8.20-8.18-11.47-45.57
Pre-tax profit1 990.061 920.491 512.20554.831 112.86
Income taxes- 438.33- 422.57- 333.51- 123.04- 251.55
Net earnings1 551.731 497.921 178.69431.79861.32

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment132.7490.79499.38
Tangible assets total59.28174.69132.7490.79499.38
Other receivables18.7418.7419.2425.6422.21
Investments total18.7418.7419.2425.6422.21
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.2 936.153 069.562 480.94
Long term receivables total2 936.153 069.562 480.94
Raw materials and consumables25.0025.0025.0025.0025.00
Inventories total25.0025.0025.0025.0025.00
Current trade debtors1 016.83931.121 256.741 125.661 179.54
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 881.642 286.29
Prepayments and accrued income10.9221.0325.2366.9181.14
Current other receivables15.80
Short term receivables total1 027.75952.141 281.973 074.213 562.76
Cash and bank deposits39.91869.88171.80151.62
Cash and cash equivalents39.91869.88171.80151.62
Balance sheet total (assets)4 106.845 110.024 111.703 215.644 260.97

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Shares repurchased1 551.731 497.921 178.69431.79850.00
Retained earnings-1 551.73-1 497.92-1 178.69- 431.79- 850.00
Profit of the financial year1 551.731 497.921 178.69431.79861.32
Shareholders equity total2 551.732 497.922 178.691 431.791 861.32
Non-current loans from credit institutions350.33
Non-current liabilities total350.33
Current loans from credit institutions348.3280.00
Current trade creditors10.2720.1451.65280.0046.15
Short-term deferred tax liabilities435.93418.48334.75126.28231.42
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 106.502 166.991 541.361 027.241 669.63
Current liabilities total1 552.702 605.621 927.761 781.842 027.19
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 106.845 110.024 111.703 215.644 260.97
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