PETER CHRISTOPHERSEN HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26632323
Emiliedalen 42, 8270 Højbjerg
tel: 97154087

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services-99.83- 239.16
Gross profit-99.83- 239.16- 195.44- 202.17-70.70
EBIT-99.83- 239.16- 195.44- 202.17-70.70
Other financial income1 440.522 801.791 507.153 837.901 839.14
Other financial expenses-3 458.78- 604.75- 865.43- 144.94- 515.64
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets3 023.5143 466.321 000.00449.60
Net income from associates (fin.)1 208.72
Pre-tax profit905.4245 424.202 655.013 490.791 702.40
Income taxes- 115.40- 845.42- 292.18
Net earnings905.4245 424.202 539.612 645.371 410.21

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies26 234.91
Investments total26 234.91
Non-current loans receivable314.0014.0014.0014.0014.00
Non-current other receivables12 500.0012 773.295 000.005 000.00
Long term receivables total12 814.0012 787.2914.005 014.005 014.00
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.10.17
Current other receivables476.43
Current deferred tax assets228.71209.7775.75111.17
Short term receivables total228.71209.7775.75597.77
Other current investments23 272.7617 355.7515 625.7721 630.8117 933.05
Cash and bank deposits1 467.1826 441.1826 471.9495.844 036.10
Cash and cash equivalents24 739.9443 796.9342 097.7221 726.6521 969.14
Balance sheet total (assets)37 782.6583 028.8942 187.4726 740.6527 580.92

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased108.0010 000.00113.00114.40117.80
Retained earnings30 624.3621 529.7820 840.9923 266.1925 793.76
Profit of the financial year905.4245 424.202 539.612 645.371 410.21
Shareholders equity total31 762.7877 078.9923 618.5926 150.9627 446.78
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors12.5012.5012.5012.5012.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities577.18121.64
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 007.375 937.4118 556.38
Current liabilities total6 019.875 949.9118 568.88589.68134.14
Balance sheet total (liabilities)37 782.6583 028.8942 187.4726 740.6527 580.92
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