Rosengren ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40096620
Hadsundvej 1, Als 9560 Hadsund

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit6 015.416 783.6710 029.509 364.999 255.21
Employee benefit expenses-6 448.24-5 024.46-7 614.35-7 773.24-7 943.28
Total depreciation-6.49-73.17-99.03- 285.39- 500.19
EBIT- 439.311 686.042 316.111 306.36811.74
Other financial income2.401.500.30
Other financial expenses- 133.57-42.68-19.67- 101.23- 118.95
Pre-tax profit- 570.481 644.862 296.741 205.13692.79
Income taxes- 236.60- 505.27- 267.32- 154.28
Net earnings- 570.481 408.261 791.47937.82538.50

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment93.03686.02689.463 188.742 708.24
Tangible assets total93.03686.02689.463 188.743 003.67
Other receivables794.50794.50794.50794.50804.50
Investments total794.50794.50794.50794.50804.50
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods2 896.072 962.872 898.583 154.693 158.82
Inventories total2 896.072 962.872 898.583 154.693 158.82
Current trade debtors245.26260.71332.61454.91419.03
Prepayments and accrued income45.8238.5958.1173.07146.67
Current other receivables896.01665.12603.86558.93568.77
Short term receivables total1 187.08964.42994.581 086.921 134.48
Cash and bank deposits215.99569.062 999.142 116.653 438.59
Cash and cash equivalents215.99569.062 999.142 116.653 438.59
Balance sheet total (assets)5 186.675 976.878 376.2710 341.4911 540.07

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased55.0056.50500.00500.00
Retained earnings- 625.48726.282 017.762 455.57
Profit of the financial year- 570.481 408.261 791.47937.82538.50
Shareholders equity total-70.481 337.783 074.253 955.573 994.08
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 703.951 531.19
Non-current other liabilities180.33507.33513.04
Non-current deferred tax liabilities523.81542.14
Non-current liabilities total180.33507.33513.042 227.762 073.34
Current loans from credit institutions1 589.85165.00172.00
Current trade creditors2 608.532 334.282 164.482 576.042 978.29
Current owed to group member441.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities221.58712.45313.66217.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities878.451 560.871 882.63956.521 484.35
Current liabilities total5 076.824 116.744 759.564 011.225 293.60
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 186.675 976.878 376.2710 341.4911 540.07
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