Ejendom Sjælland ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42131040
Grøftevej 4 B, Grøfte 4180 Sorø
tel: 58541484

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 048.924 728.487 489.027 752.00
Other operating expenses- 125.00
Total depreciation- 194.51- 766.02-1 063.85-1 322.02
EBIT854.423 837.466 425.176 429.97
Other financial income821.36883.94905.74
Other financial expenses- 214.45- 254.20-1 246.43-1 067.58
Pre-tax profit639.974 404.626 062.686 268.13
Income taxes- 141.56- 980.34-1 333.80-1 379.12
Net earnings498.403 424.284 728.884 889.01

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters38 905.3988 301.35103 332.10126 947.34
Advance payments and construction in progress5 250.00
Tangible assets total44 155.3988 301.35103 332.10126 947.34
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors55.77201.5316.363.02
Current amounts owed by group member comp.20 000.0020 593.7421 117.4521 384.23
Prepayments and accrued income10.75232.97
Current other receivables5.002 874.472 710.172 029.65
Current deferred tax assets86.9686.96
Short term receivables total20 158.4823 756.7123 843.9823 649.86
Balance sheet total (assets)64 313.87112 058.06127 176.07150 597.20

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.0040.00
Retained earnings20 000.0020 498.4023 922.6828 651.55
Profit of the financial year498.403 424.284 728.884 889.01
Shareholders equity total20 538.4023 962.6828 691.5633 580.57
Provisions228.53635.681 147.981 712.28
Non-current loans from credit institutions16 047.2433 810.8124 589.7716 508.51
Non-current deferred tax liabilities573.19821.50814.82
Non-current liabilities total16 047.2434 384.0025 411.2717 323.33
Current loans from credit institutions900.211 592.821 171.28749.14
Advances received70.42237.44
Current trade creditors91.81225.49244.45535.07
Current owed to group member26 027.3450 012.1768 426.1393 537.75
Short-term deferred tax liabilities573.19821.50
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities409.931 007.791 510.222 337.57
Current liabilities total27 499.7153 075.7071 925.2797 981.03
Balance sheet total (liabilities)64 313.87112 058.06127 176.07150 597.20
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