Holdingselskabet EGO af 1/10 2017 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39782367
Oddevænget 9, 9990 Skagen

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-1.00-0.64-0.01-1.01-1.00
Costs of management-1.01-1.00
Employee benefit expenses-60.00-60.00
Other financial income116.00100.5592.9071.7052.28
Other financial expenses-1.79-0.77-0.60
Reduction non-current investment assets-1.03
Net income from associates (fin.)63.1371.03125.36
Pre-tax profit55.00101.2491.09141.12176.63
Income taxes-12.00-8.62-20.37-31.154.34
Net earnings43.0092.6170.72109.97180.97

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests221.49220.46291.49416.85
Investments total221.49220.46291.49416.85
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income26.0022.5318.9315.3211.72
Current other receivables1.000.091.461.461.46
Short term receivables total27.0022.6220.3916.7913.18
Other current investments1 709.001 486.721 284.841 042.96796.09
Cash and bank deposits128.002.5345.149.2612.10
Cash and cash equivalents1 837.001 489.251 329.981 052.22808.19
Balance sheet total (assets)1 864.001 733.361 570.831 360.501 238.21

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased200.00345.00280.00
Other reserves- 200.00- 345.00- 280.00
Retained earnings1 739.001 541.131 433.741 159.46989.43
Profit of the financial year43.0092.6170.72109.97180.97
Shareholders equity total1 832.001 683.741 554.461 319.431 220.40
Non-current deferred tax liabilities12.003.6216.3728.158.28
Non-current liabilities total12.003.6216.3728.158.28
Short-term deferred tax liabilities20.0011.9912.929.53
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities34.00
Current liabilities total20.0045.9912.929.53
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 864.001 733.361 570.831 360.501 238.21
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