TIDE A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 25357051
Kronprinsensgade 1 A, 5000 Odense C
tel: 22724002
Income statement (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Net sales | |||||
Gross profit | 345.64 | 399.62 | 447.19 | 446.68 | 465.92 |
Reduction in value of non-current assets | 95.53 | 25.12 | 40.16 | 275.54 | |
EBIT | 441.16 | 424.75 | 487.34 | 722.22 | 465.92 |
Other financial income | 17.91 | 1.23 | 6.47 | 5.21 | |
Other financial expenses | - 100.38 | -69.67 | -87.64 | -44.77 | -45.80 |
Pre-tax profit | 358.70 | 356.31 | 399.71 | 683.92 | 425.33 |
Income taxes | -78.48 | -79.74 | -91.72 | - 152.47 | -94.83 |
Net earnings | 280.22 | 276.56 | 307.99 | 531.44 | 330.50 |
Assets (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Intangible assets total | |||||
Buildings | 9 596.35 | 9 621.48 | 9 661.64 | 9 937.17 | 9 937.17 |
Tangible assets total | 9 596.35 | 9 621.48 | 9 661.64 | 9 937.17 | 9 937.17 |
Investments total | |||||
Long term receivables total | |||||
Inventories total | |||||
Current other receivables | 37.50 | ||||
Short term receivables total | 37.50 | ||||
Other current investments | 14.92 | 75.47 | 32.54 | 1.43 | 1.56 |
Cash and bank deposits | 338.53 | 297.71 | 368.57 | 457.67 | 361.96 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 353.45 | 373.18 | 401.11 | 459.10 | 363.51 |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 9 949.81 | 9 994.66 | 10 062.74 | 10 396.27 | 10 338.19 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Share capital | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
Shares repurchased | 200.00 | 280.00 | 280.00 | 400.00 | 300.00 |
Retained earnings | 3 425.05 | 3 425.27 | 3 421.83 | 3 329.82 | 3 561.27 |
Profit of the financial year | 280.22 | 276.56 | 307.99 | 531.44 | 330.50 |
Shareholders equity total | 4 405.27 | 4 481.83 | 4 509.82 | 4 761.27 | 4 691.77 |
Provisions | 1 366.00 | 1 372.00 | 1 380.78 | 1 441.40 | 1 441.40 |
Non-current loans from credit institutions | 3 833.66 | 3 833.66 | 3 833.66 | 3 833.66 | 3 833.66 |
Non-current other liabilities | 168.85 | 168.85 | 168.85 | 189.43 | 189.43 |
Non-current liabilities total | 4 002.51 | 4 002.51 | 4 002.51 | 4 023.09 | 4 023.09 |
Short-term deferred tax liabilities | 57.85 | 73.38 | 82.94 | 91.85 | 94.83 |
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 118.18 | 64.93 | 86.69 | 78.66 | 87.10 |
Current liabilities total | 176.02 | 138.32 | 169.63 | 170.51 | 181.94 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 9 949.81 | 9 994.66 | 10 062.74 | 10 396.27 | 10 338.19 |
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