PFA German Real Estate Low VIII ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39756781
Sundkrogsgade 4, 2100 København Ø

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales863.25
Costs of manufacturing- 880.51-1 079.57
Gross profit- 880.51- 216.31
Costs of management-5 739.00-84.00- 923.00- 221.68-1 395.17
Reduction in value of non-current assets-12 817.03
EBIT-5 739.00-84.00- 923.00-1 102.18-14 428.51
Other financial income26.05
Other financial expenses-5.00-17.00-7.00-17.90-1 348.59
Pre-tax profit-5 743.00- 101.00- 929.00-1 120.08-15 751.05
Income taxes116.0022.0063.02329.30
Net earnings-5 743.0015.00- 907.00-1 057.06-15 421.74

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings177 420.17
Advance payments and construction in progress890.0040 118.1426 938.21
Tangible assets total890.0040 118.14204 358.39
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables15 619.84
Current deferred tax assets22.0045.87128.76
Short term receivables total22.0045.8715 748.60
Cash and bank deposits700.00672.0014 624.003 965.5111 817.05
Cash and cash equivalents700.00672.0014 624.003 965.5111 817.05
Balance sheet total (assets)700.00672.0015 536.0044 129.53231 924.04

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Other reserves-2.00-4.00-5.00-11.91127.03
Retained earnings5 975.00231.0014 799.0042 600.01153 405.70
Profit of the financial year-5 743.0015.00- 907.00-1 057.06-15 421.74
Shareholders equity total280.00292.0013 937.0041 581.04138 160.98
Provisions-13 937.00
Non-current owed to group member90 356.74
Non-current other liabilities13 937.00
Non-current liabilities total13 937.0090 356.74
Current owed to group member420.00380.001 081.002 018.722 440.30
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities518.00529.77966.01
Current liabilities total420.00380.001 599.002 548.493 406.31
Balance sheet total (liabilities)700.00672.0015 536.0044 129.53231 924.04
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