JESPER LUND UDLEJNING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31502144
Industrivej 19, 8800 Viborg
tel: 40878011

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 911.852 106.612 184.855 833.681 766.40
Employee benefit expenses- 240.00
Total depreciation- 428.84- 490.23- 392.57- 577.92- 608.57
EBIT1 483.011 616.371 792.285 015.761 157.82
Other financial income2.525.326.10
Other financial expenses- 250.92- 233.92- 253.70- 220.85- 200.28
Net income from associates (fin.)100.00100.00
Pre-tax profit1 232.091 382.451 641.104 900.22963.65
Income taxes- 270.83- 303.90- 338.55-1 043.25- 208.46
Net earnings961.261 078.541 302.553 856.97755.18

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters23 063.6323 393.1523 054.2324 400.8925 886.85
Machinery and equipment530.51476.75708.05534.93701.20
Tangible assets total23 594.1423 869.9023 762.2824 935.8226 588.05
Holdings in group member companies1 500.001 500.001 500.001 500.003 000.00
Investments total1 500.001 500.001 500.001 500.003 000.00
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.102.52200.00200.00
Long term receivables total102.52200.00200.00
Inventories total
Current trade debtors40.96
Current amounts owed by group member comp.5.326.10
Current other receivables10.5754.217.48
Short term receivables total10.5759.5354.54
Cash and bank deposits39.63437.65682.968 001.66763.74
Cash and cash equivalents39.63437.65682.968 001.66763.74
Balance sheet total (assets)25 133.7725 818.1126 047.7634 697.0130 606.33

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings9 186.2010 147.4611 226.0012 528.5516 385.52
Profit of the financial year961.261 078.541 302.553 856.97755.18
Shareholders equity total10 272.4611 351.0012 653.5516 510.5217 265.70
Non-current loans from credit institutions10 099.889 441.608 832.579 136.888 565.95
Non-current liabilities total10 099.889 441.608 832.579 136.888 565.95
Current loans from credit institutions516.00587.00641.002 261.00571.00
Current trade creditors14.80248.01
Current owed to group member2 751.092 961.582 246.424 250.702 495.70
Short-term deferred tax liabilities155.83266.90271.551 205.25134.46
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities739.71589.03714.67558.65973.52
Current liabilities total4 177.434 404.523 873.648 523.614 174.69
Balance sheet total (liabilities)25 133.7725 818.1126 047.7634 697.0130 606.33
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