HAVERSLEV RETAIL A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25299493
Kjemtrupvej 28, 9610 Nørager

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit923.921 115.041 164.681 209.741 284.06
Total depreciation- 319.02- 328.63- 328.63- 328.63- 331.32
Other financial expenses- 342.41- 311.60- 286.88- 285.57- 293.29
Pre-tax profit262.50474.81549.18595.54659.44
Income taxes-44.75- 136.24- 117.27- 134.62- 135.36
Net earnings217.74338.57431.91460.92524.08

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters12 110.8111 846.3611 537.6911 229.0216 959.63
Tangible assets total12 549.9312 265.5211 936.8911 608.2617 318.92
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors-0.00360.33
Prepayments and accrued income13.4013.8213.9214.5415.97
Current other receivables373.40
Short term receivables total13.4013.8213.92374.87389.37
Balance sheet total (assets)12 563.3312 279.3411 950.8111 983.1417 708.29

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Share premium account25.0025.0025.00
Asset revaluation reserve5 110.00
Shares repurchased200.00200.00200.00
Retained earnings- 191.9625.78164.35421.26682.19
Profit of the financial year217.74338.57431.91460.92524.08
Shareholders equity total550.78889.351 321.261 582.187 016.27
Provisions190.00290.00350.00414.001 354.40
Non-current loans from credit institutions7 794.597 140.066 497.668 449.957 667.15
Non-current liabilities total7 794.597 140.066 497.668 449.957 667.15
Current loans from credit institutions902.44794.32785.141 051.581 041.28
Current trade creditors2.418.1724.211.8718.93
Current owed to participating1.29
Current owed to group member3 053.902 952.982 752.09209.22346.72
Short-term deferred tax liabilities70.6284.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities69.21204.47220.44203.71177.28
Current liabilities total4 027.953 959.933 781.891 537.001 670.47
Balance sheet total (liabilities)12 563.3312 279.3411 950.8111 983.1417 708.29
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