KK SVENSTRUP ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31485894
Strandvejen 3, 9000 Aalborg
tel: 98113855

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales1 088.44
External services-47.27
Rents- 180.58
Gross profit860.60457.601 041.331 160.561 283.70
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 000.00-1 500.00900.001 100.00
EBIT- 139.401 957.601 041.332 060.562 383.70
Other financial income21.560.4424.8267.93
Other financial expenses-82.70-71.03-61.21-81.70- 337.38
Pre-tax profit- 222.111 908.13980.572 003.692 114.25
Income taxes48.86- 419.79- 215.72- 435.50- 487.19
Net earnings- 173.251 488.34764.841 568.191 627.06

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings15 000.0016 500.0016 500.0017 400.0018 500.00
Tangible assets total15 000.0016 500.0016 500.0017 400.0018 500.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income23.6123.8023.9724.7129.00
Current other receivables1 137.40
Current deferred tax assets64.81
Short term receivables total23.6188.6023.9724.711 166.40
Other current investments555.20451.34
Cash and bank deposits391.05304.04553.51458.6199.37
Cash and cash equivalents391.05304.04553.511 013.82550.71
Balance sheet total (assets)15 414.6616 892.6417 077.4818 438.5220 217.11

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings7 434.217 260.978 749.319 514.1511 082.34
Profit of the financial year- 173.251 488.34764.841 568.191 627.06
Shareholders equity total7 385.978 874.319 639.1511 207.3412 834.39
Provisions680.851 165.451 320.041 672.762 070.26
Non-current loans from credit institutions5 170.424 472.423 797.893 190.252 589.28
Non-current other liabilities630.00630.00630.00
Non-current liabilities total5 170.425 102.424 427.893 820.252 589.28
Current loans from credit institutions693.02697.61696.26644.54645.07
Current trade creditors29.5035.26
Current owed to group member829.04816.07759.38817.461 936.73
Short-term deferred tax liabilities16.4861.1382.7987.05
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities638.88236.78173.63163.8819.06
Current liabilities total2 177.421 750.461 690.391 738.172 723.17
Balance sheet total (liabilities)15 414.6616 892.6417 077.4818 438.5220 217.11
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