HAGNIS EJENDOMME ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36486384
Kongensstræde 65, Erritsø 7000 Fredericia
tel: 60754819

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit371.11370.27368.62355.36583.36
Total depreciation-97.01-99.34-99.34-99.34- 229.79
Other financial income17.0020.0020.000.08
Other financial expenses-49.47-51.68-55.81-58.45- 135.77
Pre-tax profit241.63239.25233.47197.56217.88
Income taxes-46.97-58.82-53.47-41.37-47.93
Net earnings194.66180.43180.00156.20169.95

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters2 493.062 451.982 352.642 433.306 814.15
Tangible assets total2 493.062 451.982 352.642 433.306 814.15
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.555.44682.46631.71
Prepayments and accrued income6.96
Short term receivables total555.44682.46631.716.96
Cash and bank deposits205.44169.48450.771 665.03382.14
Cash and cash equivalents205.44169.48450.771 665.03382.14
Balance sheet total (assets)3 253.943 303.923 435.124 098.327 203.26

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased194.66180.43180.00156.20
Retained earnings734.05748.28748.70772.51928.71
Profit of the financial year194.66180.43180.00156.20169.95
Shareholders equity total1 173.361 159.131 158.711 134.901 148.65
Non-current loans from credit institutions634.62478.83321.89163.852 874.87
Non-current deferred tax liabilities53.7140.8852.4044.5577.69
Non-current liabilities total688.33519.70374.29208.412 952.56
Current loans from credit institutions149.45154.04156.94158.03216.69
Current trade creditors6.
Current owed to participating0.27
Current owed to group member926.831 201.541 513.552 371.202 574.14
Short-term deferred tax liabilities51.0553.71
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities236.36169.29184.06181.40296.32
Current liabilities total1 369.891 584.781 860.752 716.843 093.62
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 253.943 303.923 435.124 098.327 203.26
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