ÅBYHØJ INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25259440
Silkeborgvej 277, 8230 Åbyhøj
tel: 20207207

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit876.161 458.181 251.661 553.142 727.43
Employee benefit expenses- 200.00
Other operating expenses- 232.17
Total depreciation-4.76-14.29-14.29
Reduction in value of non-current assets- 520.00239.82310.00612.80
EBIT1 149.58938.181 486.711 848.852 893.76
Other financial income16.4546.74264.74
Other financial expenses- 212.46- 380.58- 313.70- 265.91- 278.78
Pre-tax profit937.12557.601 189.471 629.682 879.72
Income taxes- 189.47- 122.66- 268.38- 358.89- 672.67
Net earnings747.64434.94921.091 270.782 207.05

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings29 200.0028 680.0029 850.0030 160.004 600.00
Machinery and equipment95.2480.9566.67
Tangible assets total29 200.0028 680.0029 945.2430 240.954 666.67
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors14.78
Current amounts owed by group member comp.71.95108.69956.741 929.385 831.53
Current owed by particip. interest comp.246.34
Prepayments and accrued income105.9397.9515.3916.221.88
Current other receivables11.0891.4866.0094.987 024.37
Current deferred tax assets3.80
Short term receivables total435.30298.121 041.922 055.3612 857.78
Cash and bank deposits28.29108.661 645.20
Cash and cash equivalents28.29108.661 645.20
Balance sheet total (assets)29 663.5928 978.1231 095.8332 296.3119 169.66

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital325.00325.00325.00325.00325.00
Shares repurchased500.00400.00400.002 000.005 000.00
Retained earnings7 153.837 501.477 536.416 457.492 728.28
Profit of the financial year747.64434.94921.091 270.782 207.05
Shareholders equity total8 726.478 661.419 182.4910 053.2810 260.33
Provisions2 418.982 411.402 683.582 869.22
Non-current loans from credit institutions15 524.4915 217.7014 658.2116 718.812 984.43
Non-current other liabilities646.43522.15960.30955.5178.96
Non-current deferred tax liabilities28.18130.24173.25
Non-current liabilities total16 199.1015 870.0915 618.5117 847.573 063.39
Current loans from credit institutions1 215.691 080.04552.62832.424 805.59
Current trade creditors19.24149.26554.59
Current owed to group member673.26605.362 688.45
Short-term deferred tax liabilities103.97
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities326.11349.82350.93544.56485.75
Current liabilities total2 319.032 035.223 611.251 526.245 845.93
Balance sheet total (liabilities)29 663.5928 978.1231 095.8332 296.3119 169.66
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