Farum Hovedgade ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39650681
Østergade 27, 1100 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales994.83
External services- 308.05
Gross profit686.77840.691 283.92873.93727.41
Employee benefit expenses-63.00-63.00-52.64-46.79-37.50
Reduction in value of non-current assets3 158.695 271.467 749.48
EBIT3 782.476 049.168 980.75827.15689.91
Other financial expenses- 274.35- 526.21- 458.12- 345.71- 327.16
Pre-tax profit3 508.125 522.958 522.63481.44362.76
Income taxes- 823.88-1 156.13-1 879.60- 106.63-83.14
Net earnings2 684.244 366.816 643.03374.82279.62

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters34 000.0034 000.0034 000.00
Other tangible assets13 500.0025 969.28
Tangible assets total13 500.0025 969.2834 000.0034 000.0034 000.00
Other receivables1.601.601.60
Investments total1.601.601.60
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income7.45
Current other receivables144.9517.94
Short term receivables total144.9517.947.45
Cash and bank deposits144.19738.95
Cash and cash equivalents144.19738.95
Balance sheet total (assets)13 645.7926 854.7834 019.5434 007.4534 000.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings82.522 766.767 133.5813 776.6014 151.42
Profit of the financial year2 684.244 366.816 643.03374.82279.62
Shareholders equity total2 816.767 183.5713 826.6114 201.4214 481.04
Provisions860.882 017.013 841.893 922.554 003.21
Non-current loans from credit institutions7 392.717 020.8714 313.6013 733.5813 157.42
Non-current other liabilities-0.00
Non-current liabilities total7 392.717 020.8714 313.6013 733.5813 157.42
Current loans from credit institutions375.597 103.90702.28712.31994.39
Current trade creditors64.917.756.78234.86
Current owed to participating1 809.502 928.78694.78658.93898.49
Current owed to group member50.5048.3047.8054.4754.47
Short-term deferred tax liabilities54.7226.520.86
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities274.95552.34530.11690.90175.26
Current liabilities total2 575.4410 633.322 037.432 149.902 358.33
Balance sheet total (liabilities)13 645.7926 854.7834 019.5434 007.4534 000.00
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