VEST & HOSTRUP INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31411920
Kærhavegårdvej 204, 9270 Klarup
tel: 51927657

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit283.27378.79770.73526.40607.11
Total depreciation-10.53-10.53-7.90
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 057.39-7.36-2.98390.20100.00
EBIT1 330.12360.90759.85916.61707.11
Other financial income5.115.55
Other financial expenses- 168.17- 207.35- 244.31- 199.82- 389.02
Reduction non-current investment assets- 590.87
Pre-tax profit1 167.07159.10-75.34716.78318.09
Income taxes- 257.36-26.76-92.00- 165.55-61.95
Net earnings909.71132.34- 167.34551.23256.14

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings14 186.0015 421.0017 075.0018 595.0018 695.00
Machinery and equipment18.437.90
Tangible assets total14 204.4315 428.9017 075.0018 595.0018 695.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors58.75
Current amounts owed by group member comp.569.16588.24
Current other receivables32.2512.000.47
Short term receivables total660.16600.240.47
Cash and bank deposits65.41
Cash and cash equivalents65.41
Balance sheet total (assets)14 864.5916 029.1417 140.8818 595.0018 695.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings2 167.883 077.603 509.943 342.603 893.84
Profit of the financial year909.71132.34- 167.34551.23256.14
Shareholders equity total3 202.603 334.943 467.604 018.844 274.98
Non-current loans from credit institutions8 881.498 552.6910 278.4510 748.4510 417.00
Non-current other liabilities178.75229.90245.70255.20222.70
Non-current deferred tax liabilities7.5338.4970.3761.0948.77
Non-current liabilities total9 067.778 821.0810 594.5211 064.7410 688.47
Current loans from credit institutions335.60408.90403.01456.20730.21
Current trade creditors21.5020.0021.1236.2437.60
Current owed to group member2 000.001 922.812 376.382 442.952 436.69
Short-term deferred tax liabilities7.5338.4970.3761.09
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities27.281 297.47132.7190.30
Accruals and deferred income8.8110.5439.2818.40
Current liabilities total2 384.383 665.522 849.533 177.733 374.29
Balance sheet total (liabilities)14 864.5916 029.1417 140.8818 595.0018 695.00
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