ABSOLUT RENGØRING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36427965
Havnegade 51, 5000 Odense C
tel: 70250017

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit13 500.0511 159.4016 440.8816 817.3317 646.71
Employee benefit expenses-12 444.14-10 177.13-14 525.89-16 023.73-16 782.15
Total depreciation- 246.68- 214.88- 258.43- 336.97- 370.16
EBIT809.23767.391 656.56456.63494.41
Other financial income47.0539.7178.4378.0569.99
Other financial expenses-8.18-19.92-31.99-28.47-3.10
Pre-tax profit848.09787.171 703.00506.21561.29
Income taxes- 191.05- 175.13- 380.99- 121.72- 128.79
Net earnings657.04612.041 322.01384.50432.50

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights191.09142.8394.5846.32
Intangible assets total191.09142.8394.5846.32
Land and waters2 312.70
Machinery and equipment460.08493.27721.32882.66736.79
Tangible assets total2 772.78493.27840.77989.92831.86
Investments total
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.2 160.012 203.212 247.281 837.32
Non-current other receivables27.8528.69
Long term receivables total27.852 188.702 203.212 247.281 837.32
Raw materials and consumables84.85103.25140.16164.87188.35
Inventories total84.85103.25140.16164.87188.35
Current trade debtors1 321.112 056.282 228.142 463.522 242.34
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 288.101 100.011 574.741 382.631 971.04
Prepayments and accrued income114.83
Current other receivables483.6549.5492.91164.87199.08
Current deferred tax assets11.03
Short term receivables total4 207.693 216.863 895.804 011.034 412.46
Cash and bank deposits1 312.522 907.713 046.632 018.363 089.17
Cash and cash equivalents1 312.522 907.713 046.632 018.363 089.17
Balance sheet total (assets)8 596.779 052.6110 221.159 477.7810 359.17

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital2 500.002 500.002 500.002 500.002 500.00
Shares repurchased1 000.00500.00500.001 500.00
Retained earnings596.61753.65865.692 187.701 072.20
Profit of the financial year657.04612.041 322.01384.50432.50
Shareholders equity total4 753.654 365.695 187.705 072.205 504.70
Non-current deferred tax liabilities68.00257.20
Non-current liabilities total68.00257.20
Current trade creditors274.96204.73251.16204.10185.53
Current owed to group member65.1657.91559.5657.91
Short-term deferred tax liabilities123.42203.71368.29105.20146.83
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 359.203 956.134 354.423 518.544 464.05
Current liabilities total3 757.584 429.725 031.784 387.394 854.32
Balance sheet total (liabilities)8 596.779 052.6110 221.159 477.7810 359.17
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