Borgmester Hansensvej 6 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39451689
Borgmester Hansensvej 6, 5300 Kerteminde

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales274.40274.40274.40274.40274.40
External services-50.44-46.39-24.41-24.84-28.45
Gross profit223.96228.01249.99249.56245.95
Total depreciation-81.62-81.62-81.62-81.62-81.62
Other financial expenses- 103.20-82.29-76.23-80.37-99.73
Pre-tax profit39.1364.1092.1487.5764.60
Income taxes-19.93-28.99-35.42-34.20-30.78
Net earnings19.2035.1156.7153.3733.82

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters3 999.273 917.653 836.033 754.413 672.79
Tangible assets total3 999.273 917.653 836.033 754.413 672.79
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables40.003.88
Current deferred tax assets2.063.243.27
Short term receivables total42.063.883.243.27
Balance sheet total (assets)4 041.333 921.533 836.033 757.653 676.06

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital120.00120.00120.00120.00120.00
Retained earnings-48.60-29.405.7162.42115.80
Profit of the financial year19.2035.1156.7153.3733.82
Shareholders equity total90.60125.71182.42235.80269.62
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 620.102 410.792 228.092 048.141 410.59
Non-current liabilities total2 620.102 410.792 228.092 048.141 410.59
Current loans from credit institutions1 048.271 007.191 087.731 157.05983.19
Current trade creditors8.
Short-term deferred tax liabilities29.001.16
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities274.36340.85328.64308.66918.91
Accruals and deferred income85.75
Current liabilities total1 330.631 385.031 425.521 473.711 995.85
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 041.333 921.533 836.033 757.653 676.06
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