EJENDOMSSELSKABET AF 23/3-04 A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 21786748
Drejerskovvej 21, 4760 Vordingborg
Income statement (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Net sales | |||||
Gross profit | 513.44 | 462.16 | 551.34 | 471.92 | 565.28 |
Employee benefit expenses | -10.00 | -10.00 | -10.00 | -10.00 | -10.00 |
Total depreciation | - 235.27 | - 236.87 | - 215.31 | - 214.14 | - 211.80 |
EBIT | 268.17 | 215.29 | 326.02 | 247.78 | 343.48 |
Other financial income | 0.46 | 0.47 | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.49 |
Other financial expenses | - 133.16 | - 127.28 | - 122.43 | - 116.88 | - 112.51 |
Pre-tax profit | 135.47 | 88.47 | 204.07 | 131.38 | 231.47 |
Income taxes | -25.12 | -19.45 | -44.88 | -29.13 | -50.87 |
Net earnings | 110.35 | 69.02 | 159.19 | 102.25 | 180.59 |
Assets (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Intangible assets total | |||||
Land and waters | 6 744.31 | 6 521.46 | 6 401.06 | 6 193.46 | 5 985.87 |
Machinery and equipment | 35.28 | 21.27 | 13.55 | 7.00 | 2.80 |
Tangible assets total | 6 779.60 | 6 542.73 | 6 414.60 | 6 200.46 | 5 988.67 |
Investments total | |||||
Long term receivables total | |||||
Inventories total | |||||
Prepayments and accrued income | 82.22 | 77.04 | 80.87 | 77.40 | 78.63 |
Current other receivables | 23.27 | 23.73 | 24.21 | 24.69 | 25.18 |
Short term receivables total | 105.48 | 100.77 | 105.07 | 102.09 | 103.82 |
Cash and bank deposits | 138.46 | 101.04 | 145.12 | 222.61 | 332.20 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 138.46 | 101.04 | 145.12 | 222.61 | 332.20 |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 7 023.54 | 6 744.54 | 6 664.79 | 6 525.16 | 6 424.68 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Share capital | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
Shares repurchased | 100.00 | 69.00 | 159.00 | 102.00 | 180.00 |
Retained earnings | 990.84 | 1 032.18 | 942.21 | 999.40 | 921.65 |
Profit of the financial year | 110.35 | 69.02 | 159.19 | 102.25 | 180.59 |
Shareholders equity total | 1 701.18 | 1 670.21 | 1 760.40 | 1 703.65 | 1 782.25 |
Provisions | 400.21 | 370.99 | 347.47 | 319.25 | 291.56 |
Non-current loans from credit institutions | 4 271.28 | 3 994.64 | 3 713.02 | 3 426.33 | 3 134.46 |
Non-current deferred tax liabilities | 58.45 | 48.66 | 68.40 | 57.35 | 78.56 |
Non-current liabilities total | 4 329.73 | 4 043.31 | 3 781.42 | 3 483.68 | 3 213.02 |
Current loans from credit institutions | 271.74 | 276.64 | 281.62 | 286.70 | 291.87 |
Current owed to group member | 156.56 | 311.35 | 399.32 | 637.02 | 767.04 |
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 164.11 | 72.04 | 94.56 | 94.86 | 78.95 |
Current liabilities total | 592.41 | 660.03 | 775.50 | 1 018.58 | 1 137.85 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 7 023.54 | 6 744.54 | 6 664.79 | 6 525.16 | 6 424.68 |
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