Bjørndal Ejendomme A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39346664
Estrupvej 17, Malt 6600 Vejen

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit265.971 442.821 444.551 442.011 436.07
Total depreciation- 174.46- 745.86- 757.05- 763.81- 766.07
Other financial income1 794.08
Other financial expenses-98.95- 427.64- 629.11- 291.27- 296.41
Pre-tax profit-7.44269.3258.39386.932 167.68
Income taxes-4.01-59.25-12.85-85.12- 476.88
Net earnings-11.45210.0745.54301.801 690.79

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters19 576.2919 417.0118 659.9618 121.5317 355.47
Tangible assets total19 576.2919 417.0118 659.9618 121.5317 355.47
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income14.8015.7515.1715.5015.73
Current other receivables432.60
Short term receivables total447.4015.7515.1715.5015.73
Cash and bank deposits2 163.8319.84235.68192.90191.78
Cash and cash equivalents2 163.8319.84235.68192.90191.78
Balance sheet total (assets)22 187.5119 452.6018 910.8018 329.9417 562.98

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Share premium account4 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.00
Retained earnings-11.45198.62244.16545.96
Profit of the financial year-11.45210.0745.54301.801 690.79
Shareholders equity total4 988.555 198.625 244.165 545.967 236.76
Non-current loans from credit institutions13 613.7812 715.8711 995.2911 056.308 282.93
Non-current other liabilities375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00
Non-current liabilities total13 988.7813 090.8712 370.2911 431.308 657.93
Current loans from credit institutions880.42901.831 007.19984.63815.17
Current trade creditors2 325.74106.5629.5323.0027.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities213.07
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities91.47183.52183.81187.50
Current liabilities total3 206.171 099.861 220.241 191.441 243.24
Balance sheet total (liabilities)22 187.5119 452.6018 910.8018 329.9417 562.98
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