WNI service ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41727586
Skovbrynet 6, Pindstrup 8550 Ryomgård

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit9 305.019 174.299 142.56
Employee benefit expenses-6 883.28-6 451.89-6 190.46
Total depreciation- 830.66- 515.98- 899.98
EBIT1 591.072 206.422 052.13
Other financial income15.16
Other financial expenses-18.33-24.11- 134.64
Pre-tax profit1 572.732 182.311 932.64
Income taxes- 358.29- 497.64- 461.30
Net earnings1 214.441 684.671 471.35

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total840.00630.00420.00
Land and waters3 787.56
Buildings259.572 654.07486.79
Tangible assets total259.572 654.074 274.35
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables69.2576.58324.71
Inventories total69.2576.58324.71
Current trade debtors400.231 590.991 159.57
Prepayments and accrued income845.6629.7437.16
Current other receivables1 327.62979.911 449.40
Short term receivables total2 573.512 600.642 646.13
Cash and bank deposits557.17748.67326.76
Cash and cash equivalents557.17748.67326.76
Balance sheet total (assets)4 299.496 709.967 991.94

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.00
Shares repurchased117.80122.00
Retained earnings1 096.642 659.31
Profit of the financial year1 214.441 684.671 471.35
Shareholders equity total1 254.442 939.114 292.66
Non-current loans from credit institutions339.61
Non-current liabilities total339.61
Current trade creditors1 532.221 393.28798.68
Short-term deferred tax liabilities358.29831.62450.84
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 154.541 545.952 110.16
Current liabilities total3 045.053 770.863 359.67
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 299.496 709.967 991.94
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