Landmandsselskabet Damsgård ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31071690
Vorkvej 107, 7100 Vejle

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-46.68- 166.32-25.43- 368.89-1.23
Other operating expenses- 275.19
Total depreciation-10.22- 120.39- 214.60- 232.27- 254.31
EBIT- 332.09- 286.71- 240.03- 601.16- 255.55
Other financial income310.00
Other financial expenses- 155.42- 350.34- 103.62-83.74- 178.86
Pre-tax profit- 487.51- 637.05- 343.65- 684.90- 124.41
Income taxes46.04129.2290.498.15-1.06
Net earnings- 441.47- 507.83- 253.16- 676.76- 125.47

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters6 938.9811 224.5012 031.6612 242.1813 223.46
Machinery and equipment136.19573.68484.32477.26309.40
Tangible assets total7 075.1711 798.1812 515.9712 719.4313 532.87
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods116.00130.00147.18114.88140.00
Inventories total116.00130.00147.18114.88140.00
Current trade debtors27.04111.7659.17
Current amounts owed by group member comp.70.72
Prepayments and accrued income13.5813.1715.08
Current other receivables39.32681.5651.2834.965.96
Current deferred tax assets52.35147.3691.58
Short term receivables total91.67828.91254.20159.8980.21
Cash and bank deposits3 183.41104.63168.75152.171.55
Cash and cash equivalents3 183.41104.63168.75152.171.55
Balance sheet total (assets)10 466.2512 861.7213 086.1113 146.3713 754.63

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital5 000.005 000.005 000.005 000.005 000.00
Retained earnings-4 215.20-4 656.674 067.323 814.163 137.40
Profit of the financial year- 441.47- 507.83- 253.16- 676.76- 125.47
Shareholders equity total343.33- 164.508 814.168 137.408 011.93
Non-current loans from credit institutions3 670.163 627.433 583.303 257.90
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1.09
Non-current liabilities total3 670.163 627.433 584.393 257.90
Current loans from credit institutions3 524.6545.0044.5045.0021.00
Current trade creditors23.3818.7922.70115.2544.31
Current owed to group member6 568.599 231.82673.501 889.36
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1.09
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities500.00520.00511.69
Accruals and deferred income36.0051.8054.55
Current liabilities total10 116.629 331.61619.001 408.292 467.45
Balance sheet total (liabilities)10 466.2512 861.7213 086.1113 146.3713 754.63
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