FREDENSGADE 39 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36024054
Skolegade 7 B, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit438.0111 400.9831.7526.78-4 094.09
Total depreciation-3.41-79.77
Reduction in value of non-current assets11 200.00- 100.00- 249.89-3 679.98
EBIT438.0122 600.9731.7523.37-4 173.86
Other financial income801.21
Other financial expenses- 100.31- 102.06- 349.16- 344.78-1 025.84
Pre-tax profit337.7011 298.92- 317.41479.80-5 199.70
Income taxes-72.15-2 486.7672.64- 105.521 143.16
Net earnings265.558 812.16- 244.77374.28-4 056.54

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings11 800.0023 000.0022 929.5060 385.0057 775.00
Machinery and equipment201.28355.81
Tangible assets total11 800.0023 000.0022 929.5060 586.2858 130.81
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors17.332.4662.78
Prepayments and accrued income11.0431.5729.94
Current other receivables59.1658.1067.22
Current deferred tax assets25.68203.06
Short term receivables total17.3370.20117.82363.00
Cash and bank deposits319.15334.041.96109.494 163.48
Cash and cash equivalents319.15334.041.96109.494 163.48
Balance sheet total (assets)12 136.4823 334.0423 001.6560 813.5862 657.30

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased13 450.00
Retained earnings4 894.38-8 290.0715 343.5615 098.7815 473.06
Profit of the financial year265.558 812.16- 244.77374.28-4 056.54
Shareholders equity total5 659.9314 472.0915 598.7815 973.0611 916.52
Provisions2 066.004 531.004 509.304 640.503 700.40
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 888.882 734.222 552.3423 093.0033 502.06
Non-current other liabilities131.0582.40100.63564.36827.30
Non-current liabilities total3 019.932 816.622 652.9723 657.3634 329.36
Current loans from credit institutions73.33154.67181.64339.56453.31
Current trade creditors1.441 457.92595.49
Current owed to group member1 234.141 320.4145.7214 734.1811 662.22
Short-term deferred tax liabilities73.1521.761.78
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10.0017.5010.0311.00
Current liabilities total1 390.621 514.34240.6016 542.6612 711.01
Balance sheet total (liabilities)12 136.4823 334.0423 001.6560 813.5862 657.30
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