SBM Smed og Blik Ejendomme ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41683368
Sleipnersvej 8, 4100 Ringsted

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales417.30
Costs of manufacturing-27.40
Gross profit389.90388.44399.49409.94
Costs of management-12.31-29.88-35.03-28.12
Reduction in value of non-current assets-15.45-18.81-15.47466.03
Other financial income0.08
Other financial expenses- 116.14-10.57-4.88-10.19
Pre-tax profit246.00329.18344.12837.74
Income taxes-54.10-72.68-75.70- 184.30
Net earnings191.90256.49268.42653.44

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings4 934.174 915.354 899.895 365.92
Tangible assets total4 934.174 915.354 899.895 365.92
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Short term receivables total
Cash and bank deposits55.26155.14290.73411.78
Cash and cash equivalents55.26155.14290.73411.78
Balance sheet total (assets)4 989.435 070.495 190.615 777.70

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased150.00250.00300.00
Retained earnings3 545.343 487.243 443.733 712.15
Profit of the financial year191.90256.49268.42653.44
Shareholders equity total4 012.244 118.734 137.154 490.59
Non-current other liabilities208.65208.65208.65208.65
Non-current liabilities total208.65208.65208.65208.65
Current owed to group member271.82305.94339.60396.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities10.4929.8132.1034.76
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities168.4146.6868.8392.98
Current liabilities total450.73382.43440.53524.63
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 989.435 070.495 190.615 777.70
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