Ejendomsselskabet FHV 6 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39281082
Friis Hansens Vej 6, 7100 Vejle

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit425.35429.35420.32428.10541.16
Total depreciation- 200.83- 200.83- 200.83- 200.83- 202.98
Other financial income0.530.910.09
Other financial expenses-67.33-61.21-48.09-37.41- 172.24
Pre-tax profit157.73168.22171.40189.85166.03
Income taxes-34.68-37.01-37.75-41.77-36.53
Net earnings123.05131.21133.64148.09129.50

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters4 126.033 925.203 724.373 523.543 449.84
Tangible assets total4 126.033 925.203 724.373 523.543 449.84
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.17.7125.45
Short term receivables total17.7125.45
Cash and bank deposits0.400.400.40123.62316.36
Cash and cash equivalents0.400.400.40123.62316.36
Balance sheet total (assets)4 144.143 951.063 724.773 647.163 766.20

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased55.30600.00117.80
Retained earnings76.52199.57330.78- 135.58- 105.29
Profit of the financial year123.05131.21133.64148.09129.50
Shareholders equity total304.87380.78514.42662.51192.01
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 275.122 148.682 020.741 890.112 580.71
Non-current other liabilities183.66183.66183.66183.66210.00
Non-current liabilities total2 458.792 332.342 204.402 073.772 790.71
Current loans from credit institutions309.60328.74185.58130.6082.93
Current trade creditors12.8012.8012.8012.8012.50
Current owed to participating227.26
Short-term deferred tax liabilities51.4874.2881.8685.8752.66
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities27.75107.8055.5055.5025.41
Current liabilities total628.89523.62335.74284.77173.51
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 144.143 951.063 724.773 647.163 766.20
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