EJENDOMSSELSKABET GOTLANDSVEJ 15 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31051959
Gotlandsvej 15, 8700 Horsens
tel: 75630699

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit238.88453.44428.17505.22492.99
Total depreciation-38.70-38.70-38.70-38.70-38.70
Other financial income151.6910.91
Other financial expenses-1.96-3.04-6.41-1.00- 183.23
Pre-tax profit198.23411.70383.06617.20281.97
Income taxes-43.75-90.43-84.27- 135.78-63.12
Net earnings154.48321.26298.79481.42218.85

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters4 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.00
Tangible assets total4 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.004 500.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables43.529.9050.4950.0827.82
Current deferred tax assets2.40
Short term receivables total43.529.9050.4950.0830.22
Other current investments497.13857.711 012.93
Cash and bank deposits536.16772.8864.53219.97144.75
Cash and cash equivalents536.16772.88561.661 077.681 157.68
Balance sheet total (assets)5 079.685 282.785 112.155 627.765 687.90

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Asset revaluation reserve2 825.682 855.872 886.052 916.242 946.42
Shares repurchased200.00500.00100.00150.00150.00
Retained earnings559.79214.27435.53584.32915.74
Profit of the financial year154.48321.26298.79481.42218.85
Shareholders equity total3 864.954 016.393 845.374 256.974 356.01
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors28.3717.0628.6021.2818.42
Current owed to group member24.8371.7967.33154.3070.55
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities224.15213.00180.85205.21192.95
Accruals and deferred income59.97
Current liabilities total277.35301.85276.78380.79341.89
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 079.685 282.785 112.155 627.765 687.90
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