CAPUZZI INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35864679
Åkrogs Strandvej 49 D, 8240 Risskov
tel: 26642511

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit456.68851.82879.15
Other financial income18 235.668 259.6917 635.323 889.199 886.82
Other financial expenses- 117.45-17 036.07
Pre-tax profit17 964.269 000.0218 092.00-12 295.0610 765.97
Income taxes-3 489.25-1 991.66-3 975.282 715.02-2 420.03
Net earnings14 475.017 008.3714 116.73-9 580.038 345.94

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters6 018.396 442.1029 500.0029 500.0029 500.00
Tangible assets total6 018.396 442.1029 500.0029 500.0029 500.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current deferred tax assets831.29
Short term receivables total831.29
Other current investments112 312.73110 610.42113 963.6396 590.88112 124.29
Cash and bank deposits1 156.522 532.6882.571 752.434 239.54
Cash and cash equivalents113 469.25113 143.10114 046.2098 343.32116 363.82
Balance sheet total (assets)119 487.64119 585.20143 546.20128 674.60145 863.82

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00
Shares repurchased15 600.00
Other reserves17 991.6217 991.6217 991.62
Retained earnings95 226.21103 001.2278 809.59108 526.3198 946.28
Profit of the financial year14 475.017 008.3714 116.73-9 580.038 345.94
Shareholders equity total109 801.22110 109.59126 617.94117 037.90125 383.84
Provisions5 074.605 074.605 074.60
Non-current liabilities total
Current owed to group member9 077.957 788.5911 392.636 062.3514 926.47
Short-term deferred tax liabilities263.311 295.4610.12
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities345.16391.56450.92499.75478.91
Current liabilities total9 686.429 475.6111 853.676 562.1015 405.38
Balance sheet total (liabilities)119 487.64119 585.20143 546.20128 674.60145 863.82
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