K/S ODENSE C — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 30917235
Asylgade 1 U, 7800 Skive

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales1 078.241 099.81
Costs of manufacturing-21.04-27.70
Gross profit1 057.201 072.11971.30848.63189.58
Costs of management- 112.39- 113.15
Reduction in value of non-current assets3 000.00
EBIT944.82958.96-2 028.70848.63189.58
Other financial income0.0010.500.750.08
Other financial expenses- 109.83- 100.29-94.72-90.36- 101.23
Pre-tax profit834.99858.67-2 112.92759.0288.43
Net earnings834.99858.67-2 112.92759.0288.43

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings14 000.0014 000.0011 000.0011 000.0011 000.00
Tangible assets total14 000.0014 000.0011 000.0011 000.0011 000.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors200.77
Prepayments and accrued income15.0015.0016.1514.9717.62
Current other receivables28.71
Short term receivables total15.0015.00216.9243.6817.62
Cash and bank deposits109.27120.51313.32237.16238.31
Cash and cash equivalents109.27120.51313.32237.16238.31
Balance sheet total (assets)14 124.2614 135.5111 530.2411 280.8411 255.93

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital5 200.005 200.005 200.005 200.005 200.00
Other restricted equity-1 700.00-1 700.00-1 700.00-1 700.00-1 700.00
Retained earnings1 469.311 584.302 082.97-29.95729.07
Profit of the financial year834.99858.67-2 112.92759.0288.43
Shareholders equity total5 804.305 942.973 470.054 229.074 317.51
Non-current loans from credit institutions7 013.046 855.396 685.576 525.446 310.39
Non-current other liabilities187.50187.50
Non-current liabilities total7 013.046 855.396 685.576 712.946 497.89
Current loans from credit institutions157.93158.55159.49159.25215.06
Advances received574.20567.13
Current owed to group member139.34136.84140.76143.40147.14
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities435.46474.621 074.3636.1878.34
Current liabilities total1 306.921 337.141 374.62338.82440.54
Balance sheet total (liabilities)14 124.2614 135.5111 530.2411 280.8411 255.93
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