K/S SKOMAGERGADE 7. ROSKILDE — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 21176338
Bornholmsgade 3, 1266 København K
tel: 45260123

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 672.451 702.271 543.601 352.461 012.69
Employee benefit expenses-2.02
Reduction in value of non-current assets65.00-1 000.00-4 500.00
EBIT1 672.451 702.271 608.60352.46-3 487.31
Other financial expenses- 193.35- 166.59- 168.52-69.89- 101.51
Reduction non-current investment assets- 157.81
Pre-tax profit1 479.111 377.871 440.08282.57-3 588.82
Net earnings1 479.111 377.871 440.08282.57-3 588.82

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings29 535.0029 535.0029 600.0028 600.0024 100.00
Tangible assets total29 535.0029 535.0029 600.0028 600.0024 100.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income55.58
Current other receivables75.07112.76213.47224.74438.54
Short term receivables total75.07112.76269.05224.74438.54
Cash and bank deposits275.25395.63458.4583.33129.86
Cash and cash equivalents275.25395.63458.4583.33129.86
Balance sheet total (assets)29 885.3130 043.3930 327.5028 908.0724 668.40

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital16 000.0016 000.0016 000.00
Share premium account-16 000.00-16 000.00-16 000.00
Retained earnings12 023.6512 502.7613 038.4313 478.5113 761.08
Profit of the financial year1 479.111 535.681 440.08282.57-3 588.82
Shareholders equity total13 502.7614 038.4314 478.5113 761.0810 172.26
Non-current loans from credit institutions14 603.5014 186.6913 789.9713 384.1312 996.67
Non-current liabilities total14 603.5014 186.6913 789.9713 384.1312 996.67
Current loans from credit institutions409.97415.57405.34405.76391.95
Current trade creditors25.0044.6534.50
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 369.081 402.701 628.681 312.441 073.01
Current liabilities total1 779.061 818.272 059.021 762.861 499.46
Balance sheet total (liabilities)29 885.3130 043.3930 327.5028 908.0724 668.40
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