HEDELUNDVEJ 11 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 30906330
Kongensgade 58, 6700 Esbjerg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit996.30801.89878.78868.80782.61
Total depreciation- 213.66- 213.66- 213.66- 213.66- 213.66
Other financial income2.07
Other financial expenses- 136.92-90.30-94.43-91.52- 171.49
Pre-tax profit645.72497.92570.70563.63399.53
Income taxes-99.00- 110.00- 125.00- 124.00-88.00
Net earnings546.72387.92445.70439.63311.53

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters8 067.367 853.707 640.047 426.387 212.72
Tangible assets total8 067.367 853.707 640.047 426.387 212.72
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables3.634.314.8131.09
Short term receivables total3.634.314.8131.09
Cash and bank deposits508.26888.211 405.13784.95
Cash and cash equivalents508.26888.211 405.13784.95
Balance sheet total (assets)8 070.988 361.968 532.568 836.328 028.76

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital630.00630.00630.00630.00630.00
Retained earnings364.45911.171 299.101 744.792 184.42
Profit of the financial year546.72387.92445.70439.63311.53
Shareholders equity total1 541.171 929.102 374.792 814.423 125.95
Non-current loans from credit institutions5 287.005 004.644 734.924 459.333 392.99
Non-current other liabilities99.00209.00334.00
Non-current liabilities total5 386.005 213.645 068.924 459.333 392.99
Current loans from credit institutions306.63286.00277.00277.00167.00
Current trade creditors22.5818.9024.91
Current owed to group member633.30633.30633.30633.30652.30
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities203.88277.34178.55175.37119.61
Current liabilities total1 143.811 219.221 088.851 104.57963.83
Balance sheet total (liabilities)8 070.988 361.968 532.568 836.328 028.76
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