LISE NORUP MARKETING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10052424
Sønderengen 86, 2870 Dyssegård
tel: 39697718

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales1 218.361 471.761 592.62
External services- 143.69- 115.75-38.21
Gross profit800.56834.101 074.671 356.001 554.41
Wages and salaries- 472.00- 382.00- 507.13- 711.44- 746.59
Social security expenses-75.11-46.96-39.94-58.68-41.35
Other operating expenses- 429.90- 294.10- 344.38- 261.71- 533.36
EBIT- 176.46111.04183.21324.18233.11
Other financial income-8.77304.56205.84- 310.5757.00
Pre-tax profit- 185.22415.60389.0613.61290.11
Income taxes-68.84-89.77-73.04
Net earnings- 185.22346.75299.2913.61217.07

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors107.5780.0092.52
Current deferred tax assets8.0025.00
Short term receivables total115.5780.00117.52
Cash and bank deposits1 847.472 401.613 008.222 779.822 863.21
Cash and cash equivalents1 847.472 401.613 008.222 779.822 863.21
Balance sheet total (assets)1 963.042 401.613 088.222 897.342 863.21

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased200.00400.00
Other reserves1 615.341 430.111 776.862 076.151 889.77
Retained earnings- 200.00- 400.00
Profit of the financial year- 185.22346.75299.2913.61217.07
Shareholders equity total1 555.111 901.862 201.152 214.772 231.84
Non-current liabilities total
Short-term deferred tax liabilities46.8489.7716.61
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities407.93452.90797.30682.57614.77
Current liabilities total407.93499.75887.07682.57631.38
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 963.042 401.613 088.222 897.342 863.21
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