FINGERSPITZ ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26906040
Sverigesgade 5, 5000 Odense C
tel: 66123820

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit11 395.0012 243.009 123.008 658.007 859.68
Employee benefit expenses-11 298.00-12 917.00-8 574.00-7 592.00-6 740.94
Total depreciation-64.00-54.00-20.00-1.00
EBIT33.00- 728.00529.001 065.001 118.74
Other financial income163.00148.00167.0047.68
Other financial expenses-16.00-61.00- 199.00-82.00- 377.64
Pre-tax profit17.00- 626.00478.001 150.00788.77
Income taxes-16.00126.00- 109.00- 264.00- 182.79
Net earnings1.00- 500.00369.00886.00605.98

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment45.0020.001.00
Tangible assets total45.0020.001.00
Other receivables137.00140.00140.00143.00145.76
Investments total137.00140.00140.00143.00145.76
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors2 742.003 099.001 503.001 597.001 588.55
Prepayments and accrued income152.0098.0062.00113.0070.80
Current other receivables290.0031.00232.000.12
Current deferred tax assets113.00307.00134.0015.0011.65
Short term receivables total3 297.003 535.001 699.001 957.001 671.12
Other current investments2 646.002 569.002 250.25
Cash and bank deposits414.0047.002 816.001 083.00141.20
Cash and cash equivalents414.002 693.002 816.003 652.002 391.45
Balance sheet total (assets)3 893.006 388.004 656.005 752.004 208.32

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased113.001 000.00600.00
Retained earnings1 388.001 389.00775.00144.00430.78
Profit of the financial year1.00- 500.00369.00886.00605.98
Shareholders equity total1 514.001 014.001 382.002 155.001 761.76
Non-current loans from credit institutions219.00219.40
Non-current other liabilities355.00509.00
Non-current liabilities total355.00509.00219.00219.40
Current loans from credit institutions2 605.008.0083.00376.92
Current trade creditors615.00424.00176.00228.00237.54
Current owed to participating742.80
Short-term deferred tax liabilities135.0073.55
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 764.001 990.002 581.002 932.00796.35
Current liabilities total2 379.005 019.002 765.003 378.002 227.16
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 893.006 388.004 656.005 752.004 208.32
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