Miit ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40457259
Hjørringvej 154, 9400 Nørresundby
tel: 70701570

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 607.792 965.353 057.233 630.803 601.27
Employee benefit expenses-1 805.33-2 090.89-2 159.32-2 230.93-2 075.64
Other operating expenses-9.90
Total depreciation-96.48- 116.75- 108.43- 176.06- 182.40
EBIT705.99757.70789.491 213.911 343.24
Other financial income0.2528.5660.6525.53
Other financial expenses-7.13-19.61-16.02-9.93-8.97
Pre-tax profit698.86738.34802.031 264.621 359.80
Income taxes- 153.94- 172.25- 167.02- 280.1130.51
Net earnings544.92566.09635.01984.511 390.31

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total293.33213.33133.3353.33
Machinery and equipment28.8839.3936.84154.06173.03
Tangible assets total28.8839.3936.84154.06173.03
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods235.9962.2289.7972.8964.88
Inventories total235.9962.2289.7972.8964.88
Current trade debtors499.63655.43474.99615.891 191.38
Current amounts owed by group member comp.42.411 400.001 024.18533.03
Prepayments and accrued income42.30523.28543.49
Current other receivables41.8363.11454.240.53114.06
Current deferred tax assets14.6137.4042.34
Short term receivables total583.76760.952 343.852 201.272 424.30
Cash and bank deposits1 354.901 996.09712.321 531.601 208.10
Cash and cash equivalents1 354.901 996.09712.321 531.601 208.10
Balance sheet total (assets)2 496.873 071.983 316.144 013.163 870.32

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased575.0079.00636.47984.511 390.31
Retained earnings- 543.70- 564.63- 635.01- 984.51-1 390.31
Profit of the financial year544.92566.09635.01984.511 390.31
Shareholders equity total626.22130.47686.471 034.511 440.31
Non-current deferred tax liabilities346.76479.36176.46
Non-current liabilities total346.76479.36176.46
Current trade creditors480.64329.93321.13186.90222.93
Current owed to group member1.341 061.85
Short-term deferred tax liabilities160.86334.71334.71516.34
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 225.90535.94371.47457.72442.92
Accruals and deferred income679.091 255.601 338.331 587.70
Current liabilities total1 868.752 941.512 282.902 499.282 253.54
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 496.873 071.983 316.144 013.163 870.32
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