SPICAS KOMMUNIKATION ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 11754848
Balle Bygade 69, 8600 Silkeborg
tel: 86855888

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 975.311 401.181 548.65931.58323.39
Employee benefit expenses-1 904.92-1 812.96-1 749.37-1 115.08- 356.81
EBIT70.40- 411.78- 200.72- 183.50-33.42
Other financial income29.210.060.25
Other financial expenses-1.88-22.71-2.38-6.96-24.48
Pre-tax profit97.73- 434.49- 203.04- 190.46-57.65
Income taxes-24.61-12.97142.0748.723.65
Net earnings73.13- 447.46-60.97- 141.74-54.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Other receivables17.20
Investments total17.20
Non-current other receivables17.2017.2017.20
Long term receivables total17.2017.2017.20
Inventories total
Current trade debtors2 280.44477.441 110.221 224.79685.92
Current amounts owed by group member comp.136.00
Prepayments and accrued income26.4736.8146.7922.9515.00
Current other receivables200.84153.19331.85163.00148.15
Current deferred tax assets12.9729.4333.08
Short term receivables total2 520.73803.441 488.861 440.16882.15
Cash and bank deposits49.16405.94695.06187.68224.69
Cash and cash equivalents49.16405.94695.06187.68224.69
Balance sheet total (assets)2 587.091 226.592 201.121 645.041 106.84

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings254.94328.06-19.39-80.36- 222.10
Profit of the financial year73.13- 447.46-60.97- 141.74-54.00
Shareholders equity total453.065.6144.64-97.10- 151.10
Non-current loans from credit institutions100.00
Non-current other liabilities77.70116.15109.0253.24
Non-current liabilities total77.70116.15209.0253.24
Current loans from credit institutions7.65100.007.40
Current trade creditors831.17121.49623.72702.74351.59
Current owed to participating3.533.53177.66
Current owed to group member565.02441.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities20.28111.47
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities635.43533.801 098.45982.64721.30
Accruals and deferred income4.41
Current liabilities total2 056.321 104.831 937.161 688.901 257.95
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 587.091 226.592 201.121 645.041 106.84
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