YDING GRUPPEN A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32294243
Øllegårdsvej 3, 8260 Viby J
tel: 70228800

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit21 945.0321 597.2422 074.2312 490.0420 377.84
Employee benefit expenses-21 562.16-21 521.88-21 149.20-11 388.38-18 874.81
Other operating expenses-5.36
Total depreciation-31.58-16.08-16.08-13.58-53.65
EBIT351.2959.28908.951 088.081 444.02
Other financial income31.2537.8143.430.800.10
Other financial expenses- 146.56- 187.54-87.84-35.55-45.57
Reduction non-current investment assets-1 663.70- 298.23- 372.71
Pre-tax profit-1 427.72- 388.69491.841 053.321 398.55
Income taxes- 375.00159.89- 305.82
Net earnings-1 802.72- 388.69491.841 213.221 092.73

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment13.4045.5629.4875.17271.81
Tangible assets total13.4045.5629.4875.17339.49
Other receivables174.39
Investments total174.39
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods80.0080.0080.0073.0073.00
Inventories total80.0080.0080.0073.0073.00
Current trade debtors3 702.493 747.163 835.733 688.133 629.57
Current amounts owed by group member comp.600.00
Prepayments and accrued income310.77277.00232.90312.18297.02
Current other receivables32.8060.1011.5716.81201.56
Current deferred tax assets159.89
Short term receivables total4 046.054 084.264 080.214 177.024 728.16
Cash and bank deposits47.2514.601 272.396 111.511 206.24
Cash and cash equivalents47.2514.601 272.396 111.511 206.24
Balance sheet total (assets)4 186.704 224.425 462.0710 436.706 521.28

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital501.00501.00501.00501.00501.00
Retained earnings-1 701.02-3 503.74-3 892.43-3 400.59-1 587.37
Profit of the financial year-1 802.72- 388.69491.841 213.221 092.73
Shareholders equity total-3 002.74-3 391.43-2 899.59-1 686.376.36
Non-current other liabilities710.391 961.38
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 968.121 974.64
Non-current liabilities total710.391 961.381 968.121 974.64
Current loans from credit institutions1 834.571 810.7814.05
Advances received74.52
Current trade creditors322.00366.27230.84583.87863.99
Current owed to participating27.5027.5027.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities97.38
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities5 005.384 700.916 141.949 571.083 441.81
Current liabilities total7 189.446 905.466 400.2810 154.954 491.74
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 186.704 224.425 462.0710 436.706 521.28
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