GEJST STUDIO ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35417664
Mejlgade 35 A, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit4 211.296 537.347 231.537 527.685 249.69
Employee benefit expenses-3 801.54-5 211.04-5 729.71-6 860.73-5 109.53
Total depreciation-64.13- 203.69- 175.90- 149.52-66.90
EBIT345.621 122.611 325.92517.4373.27
Other financial income1.09
Other financial expenses-4.03-6.77-9.05-0.76-26.16
Pre-tax profit341.591 115.831 316.87516.6748.19
Income taxes-85.42- 256.28- 315.77- 132.76-30.15
Net earnings256.17859.551 001.10383.9118.04

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights88.3376.6765.00
Intangible assets total88.3376.6765.00
Machinery and equipment30.2712.10
Tangible assets total30.2712.10
Investments total
Non-current other receivables106.35126.35136.35148.19106.35
Long term receivables total106.35126.35136.35148.19106.35
Inventories total
Current trade debtors1 200.102 491.862 968.471 896.561 793.65
Prepayments and accrued income31.5770.60112.25126.30120.90
Current other receivables567.77222.2980.60296.50
Current deferred tax assets16.8315.6313.9810.607.92
Short term receivables total1 248.503 145.863 316.982 114.052 218.97
Cash and bank deposits1 827.58666.1958.32508.55618.80
Cash and cash equivalents1 827.58666.1958.32508.55618.80
Balance sheet total (assets)3 212.703 950.503 599.982 847.463 009.12

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Shares repurchased676.17856.00500.00
Other reserves-96.00
Retained earnings- 256.17- 856.00- 496.45504.65664.55
Profit of the financial year256.17859.551 001.10383.9118.04
Shareholders equity total756.17843.551 084.65968.55762.60
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors37.03253.83412.90259.56163.67
Current owed to participating51.00
Current owed to group member192.28201.71391.70
Short-term deferred tax liabilities85.58255.08314.13129.3827.47
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 333.932 598.041 596.041 288.251 612.68
Current liabilities total2 456.533 106.952 515.341 878.912 246.53
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 212.703 950.503 599.982 847.463 009.12
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