HR LARSENS RENGØRINGSKOMPAGNI ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 21812943
Vesterbro 96 A, 5000 Odense C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 857.102 835.173 922.963 451.903 830.41
Employee benefit expenses-2 121.67-2 309.00-2 572.33-2 568.39-2 777.21
Total depreciation- 148.46- 158.50- 146.71- 141.38- 203.19
EBIT586.97367.671 203.93742.13850.01
Other financial income9.8338.3380.8994.17163.89
Other financial expenses- 105.80-73.13-59.20-85.24- 162.45
Net income from associates (fin.)103.245.1137.4492.12- 616.98
Pre-tax profit594.24337.971 263.06843.17234.47
Income taxes- 124.21-84.68- 280.84- 181.71- 211.76
Net earnings470.03253.29982.22661.4622.71

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total35.2724.9414.624.30
Machinery and equipment479.52434.74499.77368.711 106.67
Tangible assets total479.52434.74499.77368.711 106.67
Holdings in group member companies935.22940.32977.761 069.88452.90
Investments total935.22940.32977.761 069.88452.90
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables35.0035.0047.0041.0043.00
Inventories total35.0035.0047.0041.0043.00
Current trade debtors2 060.362 634.852 461.252 494.163 248.73
Current amounts owed by group member comp.848.561 281.792 791.423 453.764 088.14
Prepayments and accrued income148.13161.83187.7676.1870.60
Current other receivables75.6644.7174.3761.23210.48
Short term receivables total3 132.714 123.175 514.796 085.327 617.94
Cash and bank deposits125.74
Cash and cash equivalents125.74
Balance sheet total (assets)4 617.715 683.917 053.947 569.219 220.51

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves437.33442.43479.87571.99
Retained earnings382.28847.211 063.061 953.173 186.62
Profit of the financial year470.03253.29982.22661.4622.71
Shareholders equity total1 414.641 667.932 650.153 311.613 334.33
Non-current loans from credit institutions61.11285.0870.88
Non-current leasing loans243.26182.9185.4227.63
Non-current other liabilities25.91148.92150.60
Non-current deferred tax liabilities153.76159.14
Non-current liabilities total330.28331.83236.02466.47230.02
Current loans from credit institutions571.76119.08149.78778.04698.65
Current trade creditors1 146.731 736.121 873.661 553.002 043.27
Current owed to group member620.76610.04309.95793.731 991.43
Short-term deferred tax liabilities130.1190.67275.84182.70184.29
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities396.961 127.771 553.07479.17579.07
Accruals and deferred income127.50
Current liabilities total2 866.333 683.674 162.303 786.645 624.21
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 617.715 683.917 053.947 569.219 220.51
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