CVR number: 10120667
Stribvej 3, 8940 Randers SV
tel: 86405100

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit4 544.543 476.412 090.86-26.40-16.41
Employee benefit expenses-4 464.29-3 808.75-1 798.82-12.15-3.59
Total depreciation-57.77-98.78-82.32
EBIT22.47- 431.12209.72-14.25-12.82
Other financial expenses-5.78-7.82-27.76-13.76
Pre-tax profit16.70- 438.94181.96-28.01-12.82
Income taxes-4.6296.28-40.12
Net earnings12.08- 342.66141.84-28.01-12.82

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment481.10
Tangible assets total481.10382.32
Other receivables53.40
Investments total53.40
Non-current other receivables54.90
Long term receivables total54.90
Finished products/goods196.40179.00
Inventories total196.40179.00
Current trade debtors3 325.542 587.25
Prepayments and accrued income61.6721.67
Current other receivables87.74198.7050.31
Current deferred tax assets54.86
Short term receivables total3 387.202 751.52198.7050.31
Cash and bank deposits584.981 236.793 056.49102.19144.02
Cash and cash equivalents584.981 236.793 056.49102.19144.02
Balance sheet total (assets)4 703.094 604.543 255.19152.50144.02

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased2 500.00
Retained earnings2 728.062 740.14- 102.5339.3211.30
Profit of the financial year12.08- 342.66141.84-28.01-12.82
Shareholders equity total2 865.142 522.472 664.32136.30123.48
Non-current other liabilities29.0845.00
Non-current liabilities total29.0845.00
Current trade creditors1 016.86962.29
Current owed to participating12.67175.06309.96
Current owed to group member36.1621.4410.4310.54
Short-term deferred tax liabilities0.130.110.11
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities701.63899.70259.375.6610.00
Current liabilities total1 767.452 037.06590.8816.2020.54
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 703.094 604.543 255.19152.50144.02
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